24/7 Emergency Hotline: +233 (0) 302 552 153
24 Hour Emergency Hotline
(+233) 302 552 153
Get in touch with us:
Kindly fill out the form below to get in touch with us. We are here to answer any questions or concerns you may have about our healthcare services.
Phone Number
(+233) 302 552 153
(+233) 501 448 534
(+233) 501 448 533
Open Hours
We are opened Monday to Sunday.
But our Specialist clinics are scheduled at specific hours. kind refer to the footer of our website.
About Us
We provide BETTER, AFFORDABLE and QUALITY healthcare to EVERYONE.
Fafraha - Dodowa Road
GPS: GM-088-9846
Contact Us
Call: +233 302 552 153
Call: +233 501 448 534
Call: +233 501 448 533
Our Services
Clinical Hours
- General OPD
- 24 hours
Dental Care
- Monday - Saturday
- 9:00 - 2:00 pm
- Modays
- 8:00am - 12: 00pm
- Tuesdays
- 3pm
Eye clinic
- Wednesdays
- 9am
ENT clinic
- Saturdays
- 10:00 - 1:00 pm